Sweet mayonnaise and mustard potato salad. The potatoes are fully blended, so no chunks of potato are left. It is delicious and a family traditional recipe...
A tasty summer classic with some added kick from roasted red peppers and pepperoncini. This zesty salad is great for potlucks because it's not the usual...
A tasty summer classic with some added kick from roasted red peppers and pepperoncini. This zesty salad is great for potlucks because it's not the usual...
A tangy potato salad using Italian dressing and fresh dill. I love this even though I am not a fan of potato salads. Can be made using all low-fat or fat-free...
Everyone in my family loves this potato salad. We mix it up occasionally by adding in crumbled bacon or some garlic, or chopped ham, but usually it's served...
The fantastic flavor of this potato salad is created by peeling the potatoes after they're cooked and mixing the ingredients while warm. Using golden potatoes...
The fantastic flavor of this potato salad is created by peeling the potatoes after they're cooked and mixing the ingredients while warm. Using golden potatoes...
This recipe was shown to me by my husband's grandmother. I make this on the family cookouts and holidays. It's very easy and only takes a few minutes to...
The fantastic flavor of this potato salad is created by peeling the potatoes after they're cooked and mixing the ingredients while warm. Using golden potatoes...
This is a good potato salad recipe for us folks who don't like onions. I really wanted to try a potato salad recipe, and they ALL had onion of some sort....
Everyone in my family loves this potato salad. We mix it up occasionally by adding in crumbled bacon or some garlic, or chopped ham, but usually it's served...
This recipe was shown to me by my husband's grandmother. I make this on the family cookouts and holidays. It's very easy and only takes a few minutes to...
This recipe was shown to me by my husband's grandmother. I make this on the family cookouts and holidays. It's very easy and only takes a few minutes to...
There's nothing very unusual about serving a chicken or potato salad at a cookout, which is why this layered Peruvian potato and chicken salad will cause...
This recipe was handed down to me by my mother. It was always my favorite potato salad--so unlike any other I have ever tried. The creamy texture of the...
This is a great twist on two all-American favorites--the potato salad and the loaded baked potato. Served cold, this has been a crowd-pleaser at our many...
This is my mother Pauline's recipe. It's pretty much a classic American salad but remember, if you add onions, use sweet onions and chop with a very sharp...
This is my mother Pauline's recipe. It's pretty much a classic American salad but remember, if you add onions, use sweet onions and chop with a very sharp...
This recipe was handed down to me by my mother. It was always my favorite potato salad--so unlike any other I have ever tried. The creamy texture of the...
Many years ago, I ran out of Miracle Whip® while making potato salad and added coleslaw dressing. I wouldn't make it any other way now. This can be eaten...
This potato salad could be served at any luncheon or picnic. Preparation time is 10 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by...
This is a great twist on two all-American favorites--the potato salad and the loaded baked potato. Served cold, this has been a crowd-pleaser at our many...
This is a great twist on two all-American favorites--the potato salad and the loaded baked potato. Served cold, this has been a crowd-pleaser at our many...
This is a great twist on two all-American favorites--the potato salad and the loaded baked potato. Served cold, this has been a crowd-pleaser at our many...
This is a great twist on two all-American favorites--the potato salad and the loaded baked potato. Served cold, this has been a crowd-pleaser at our many...